September GRIME-AI Update: NSF Grant Alert!

🚨 Updates 🚨

  • NEW NSF GRANT: Innovative Resources: Cyberinfrastructure and community to leverage ground-based imagery in ecohydrological studies
  • We’re looking forward to starting this in January and sharing GRIME-AI, workflows and data products with the user community! 🎉
  • Details at

Featured Resource (article, database, etc.)

PhD student John Stranzl has been digging into The Color of Rivers (Gardner et al. 2021). This work is based on satellite remote sensing but is interesting to read with ground-based cameras in mind. The list of citing literature is also worth a look.

Gardner, J. R., Yang, X., Topp, S. N., Ross, M. R. V., Altenau, E. H., & Pavelsky, T. M. (2021). The Color of Rivers. Geophysical Research Letters, 48(1), e2020GL088946.

Featured Photo Information

Silhouettes of three scientists and a trusty Platte Basin Timelapse camera on a tea-colored Sandhills stream.

Credit: Troy Gilmore

Upcoming Events

Conference Sessions focused on image-based research

  • AWRA, UCOWR, NIWR Joint Conference, St. Louis, MO – Sept 30 through Oct 2, 2024
  • Invited lightning talks and panel at EPSCoR National Conference, Omaha, NE – Oct 13-16, 2024 (co-convener Mary Harner); afternoon of Oct 15, after keynote by Platte Basin Timelapse co-founder Mike Forsberg
  • Poster Session at AGU Annual Meeting, Washington, DC – Dec 9-13, 2024 (co-conveners Erfan Goharian, François Birgand, and Chris Terry)

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